The challenge begins!

You can now take part in my writing challenge! Let’s get into the habit of writing and make a story to get lost in!

For more information, see my Facebook page or look at the event page.

Anyone can leave a comment on how many word’s they have managed. You do not have to have an account here to do so, so if you don’t have Facebook, then you can still take part in this amazing challenge.

Show the world what your muse is made of!!!

Annie Blackweather's Writing Challenge

NaNoWriMo and now what?-A new challenge

A lot of authors have brandished their pens and keyboards to concur the challenge of NaNoWriMo, but what comes after that?

Most of us set out to do a lengthy novel and after 30 days of insanity, most of us find out just how short a 50k word novel can really be. No where near the plot-point and still so much story to tell!

So for the those of us who want to keep it up and make it to that illustrious finish, I propose the following: Let’s make a challenge for ourselves. My proposition is that we set a goal and make our own little finish line. For those of us who just can’t stop until their story is out there.

I’ll be setting up a post on my facebook page where everyone can comment what they achieved that day and give others encouragement. There will be no punishment and no set time, but a set goal instead. Though we won’t be having nifty prizes, what better prize can there be, but a finished work in your hands. There’s nothing quite as rewarding as that feeling of achievement.

Why set ourselves to just one month when we can have all the time we need to really make writing the most enjoyable habit in the world?

If you want to take part, or find out more: skip over to my facebook page!

Annie Blackweather's Writing Challenge